Location & architecture | Petersburg

This post is number two in the series Complete Guide to St. Petersburg:


St. Petersburg is a unique place, recognized by UNESCO as the eight most charming tourist city in the world. This title was probably given because it is one of the most interesting urban complexes in the world. The city is located on multiple islands connected with 600 bridges. Some of them, the 14 largest, are raised during the night to allow ships to sail from the Finish Bay to Ladoga Lake. For this reason, it is also called the Venice of the North. The river Newa, flowing into the bay, spills over creating many islands in its delta. Once an extremely wet, almost swampy area was largely drained, without losing its charm.


St. Petersburg was built by Tsar Peter I, who captivated by the Western European cities such as Vienna and Venice, wanted to create something equally impressive. He, therefore, engaged the best European architects and urban planners in designing the city. Most of the buildings are painted with colourful paints which intensities their charm. The monumental buildings of the city are enhanced with wide arteries, numerous monuments and sculptures, as well as parks, green squares and fountains. The main artery of St. Petersburg, 4.5 km long, Nevsky Prospect, is the very centre of the city. Fortunately for us, our apartment was located on this street, which was a great base for sightseeing. The street is surrounded by eighteenth- and nineteenth-century tenement houses. They hold the most luxurious hotels, designer boutiques, shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants (for example Mama na dache or Kvartirka).

St. Petersburg is called the Cultural Capital of Russia. There are more than one hundred theatres and operas and more than two hundred museums and art galleries here! Including the Hermitage Museum compared to the Louvre, holding, among others, the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, van Gogh, Renoir and Picasso. You can read more about this topic in the next post.

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Brought to you by: Julia & Przemyslaw


  1. 08/08/2018 / 08:41

    Wow! Zdjęcia i artykuł na najwyższym poziomie!
    Piękne to miasto, chętnie dodam je na listę wymarzonych miejsc do zobaczenia <3

    • Julia
      08/08/2018 / 09:38

      Dzięki Angelika za tak miłe słowa! Pozdrawiamy ciepło ?

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