Sliema and Valletta | Malta guide

They say that it is a sin to be in one country and not visit its capital. Considering Valletta we definitely agree with that statement. Inspired by tales about amazing Valletta, we had planned a whole day for sightseeing.

The most amazing view on Valletta you can experience from the coastline in closeby city Sliema.

We arrived first thing in the morning positive to find the perfect parking spot. You can park free in Malta almost everywhere that it is allowed. We soon realized that it is almost impossible to find a parking spot, so we decided to park in the shopping centre parking lot. It wasn’t cheap (about 15 EUR) but at least we needn’t bother about this anymore.

Now we could peacefully walk around the city. After reaching the shore the most incredible view appeared before our eyes. We could see Valletta in its full beauty illuminated by the sun peeking behind the clouds. We took a walk along the shore up to Tigne Point which is a great platform where Sweethearts lock padlocks.

We were excited and ready for Valletta. We knew that from Sliema departures a ferry to Valletta.

We were searching for the small harbour and soon realized that we were going the wrong way. We saw the ferry sailing towards Sliema and started running in the same direction scared to miss it.

Luckily we catch up with it (at the other side of Tigne point) and 15 minutes later we were in Valletta. The journey costs 3 EUR both ways.


The Architecture in Valletta is very charming. Beautiful and colourful balconies decorate the tenements. There are plenty of unique buildings. The fun part was a colourful pedestrian crossing.

Cafe Cordina

At this point we definitely got hungry. We decided to eat in the oldest and most famous Cafe in whole Malta – Cafe Cordina.

The inside of this place is pretty impressive, especially the sealing. We chose lemon meringue beautifully packaged. Julia did not wait long and I didn’t even realise when she ate the whole thing.

Barrakka Gardens

Then we walked to another part of the city and reached Barrakka Gardens (top and bottom gardens). From there we could perfectly see the Three Cities at the other side of the bay. We also had some fun posing to pictures imitating the monument of Enea by Ugo Attardi 🙂

Valletta is a very charismatic city different to any other European capital. It’s full of life, very colourfull and combines different flavours. At each street, you can find local shops and small restaurants.

During the night this city wakes up even more and carries the party atmosphere. We definitely recommend to all food, party and shopping and sightseeing lovers.


  • Caffe Cordina
  • Valletta’s website
  • more aboutThree Cities
  • Relacjonowali Wam: Julia i Przemysław

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